£71240 | MCLAREN 540C 3.8 V8 SSG 2d 533 BHP

McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C McLaren McLaren 540C
Model: 540C
Variant: 3.8 V8 SSG 2d 533 BHP
Bodytype: Coupe
Colour: GREY
Fueltype: petrol
Regyear: 2017
Mileage: 21,463

History check summary for registration number: RX67BNK

  • Not recorded as stolen
  • No third-party trace
  • Not an insurance write-off
  • 6 previous keepers

    There are PREVIOUS KEEPER CHANGES recorded against this vehicle. Please note that the keeper is not necessarily the owner, it may be a company vehicle or belong to a third party.

    Number Of Previous Keepers 6
    Date Of Last Keeper Change 22/08/2023
  • Plate changes recorded

    There are PLATE CHANGES recorded against this vehicle. Most of the time plate changes are not a sign of any problems. A previous owner may just have wanted to hang on to the registration plate of their previous car for sentimental reasons. However, make sure you check the vehicle’s history and physical condition carefully before purchasing the vehicle.

    Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) Date
    RX67 BNK 05/04/2024
    LA54 NDO 24/09/2023
    RX67 BNK 31/08/2023
    UP02 JOE 23/12/2022
    RX67 BNK 23/11/2022
    UP02 JOE 13/09/2022
    RX67 BNK 21/10/2020
    96TR 29/07/2019
    RX67 BNK 09/05/2019
  • No colour changes
  • Mileage data available

    Source Date Mileage
    VMC 16/01/2018 2000

    The mileage entry showing is the most recent available.

Data for this history check supplied: 21/05/2024 at 02:12


There are currently no details about this vehicle available.