£16450 | Hyundai Ioniq 1.6 GDi Hybrid Premium SE 5dr DCT

Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai Hyundai IONIQ
Make: Hyundai
Model: Ioniq
Variant: 1.6 GDi Hybrid Premium SE 5dr DCT
Bodytype: Hatchback
Colour: Polar White
Fueltype: Petrol/Electric Hybr
Regyear: 2021
Mileage: 33,750

History check summary for registration number: EA21OYR

  • Not recorded as stolen
  • No third-party trace
  • Not an insurance write-off
  • 0 previous keepers
  • No plate changes
  • No colour changes
  • Mileage data available

    Source Date Mileage
    BVRLA 19/03/2024 33605
    RMI MIL'GE 15/12/2023 30672
    RMI MIL'GE 12/12/2023 30658
    RMI MIL'GE 09/11/2023 29300
    RMI MIL'GE 22/03/2023 19820
    RMI MIL'GE 07/09/2022 14453
    RMI MIL'GE 12/05/2022 9051

    The mileage entry showing is the most recent available.

Data for this history check supplied: 20/05/2024 at 07:56


There are currently no details about this vehicle available.